The colourful mountain city of Zacatecas

The early morning light warms the ancient stones of Teotihuacan's mysterious pyramid of the sun

Popocatepetl lets off some steam

The peaceful interior of Izamal's central convent

Entrance to the convent in Mexico's yellow city—Izamal

The sun sets over the wild expanse of Mexico's Sierra Madre range in the wild Copper Canyon

Vendor selling rosary beads and religious memorabilia outside one of the many churches of Durango

Chicanná—house of the serpent mouth

Dancing fireflies light up the woods of Tlaxcala

A peaceful night descends on the winding callejones of Zacatecas

The glow of the lighthouse reflected in the shallow tidal waters of San Felipe

Toritos—Hand made firework monstrosities wielded with reckless abandon—beware the buscapies!

Ala de Ángel, Cascadas El Chiflón

Los Nubes, Chiapas

An ancient ficus, rooted deeply in the crumbling stones of a Mayan temple

Clear skies and star trails above Mexico's Baja peninsula